Project Description
Paper Doll (2005)
The chain of paper dolls are cut out as children come to life. They represent what is perfect but what is also two-dimensional.
A form easily broken, held together by the thinnest strips of flesh. The line unravels, then breaks into segments, clusters, fragments. Each affect the whole constantly, consistently. The dancers are hung perpetually in a tense negotiating space of nearness and distance. They remain connected, often by time, sometimes through intention. The aim is not to dance in isolation, but in response to the dancing around you.
Duration : 70 minutes
Music – Maarten Visser
Design – Sumant Jayakrishnan
Photography – Jirka Jansch, Lucy van Gerven
Co-production – Springdance, Utrecht; Dance Theatre, Groningen; KunstenFESTIVALdesarts, Brussels; SW & G, Berlin
Performers – Padmini Chettur, Krishna Devanandan, Preethi Athreya, Anoushka Kurien, Andrea Jacob