

Disruption: Being Contemporary Again

  Course Description: In this course, Rohit Goel and Padmini Chettur analyse eight contemporary, creative disruptions in the history of modern art, dance, sound and philosophy. Co-taught by a dancer and a philosopher, the course stages a dialectical movement between carefully selected contemporary artworks and theoretical arguments. August [...]

A Hybrid Body

Course Description: The past 100 years has seen a series of transformative moments in Indian dance, leading upto the present one where a huge unclarity prevails. What is tradition? When does the modern begin? And was there really a contemporary moment? The myriad effects of colonization, Nation building and neo-liberalization [...]

Prana: Chandralekha Textbook 2

Workshop Description: “The dance explores the relatedness of breath and movement; a journey towards recovery of breath.The choreography is based on the multi-centred space concept of navagraha iconography. The work is an attempt to return to dance – and to our beleaguered lives – its lost breath.”  – Chandralekha It [...]


Course Description: The workshop begins with very precise and technical work on walking that will include alignment, weight transfer and possible ways to connect our bodies to external space as well as to each other. This work proposes to the participant to move away from individualised, stylised ways of thinking [...]

Grounding: Practice Module

Course Description: In this course, contemporary dancer Padmini Chettur describes our simple actions - standing, walking, squatting, running - to more complicated ideas - plies, araimandi, single leg balances, jumps - taking for granted the pivotal idea that a body can connect to ground. Connect, receive energy, generate force which [...]

On Body

Course Description: In this course, the participants are encouraged to see and think with the dancerly body through class readings of Marx, Freud, and Lacan, critical philosophers who analyse the double-edged sword of the human body: (1) its susceptibility to exploitation - capitalism, normative sexuality, identity politics - and (2) [...]


Course Description: In this course, Padmini Chettur, Maarten Visser and Rohit Goel entangle philosophical investigations of repetition with how the concept is thought in music and dance, pushing the participants to think about practices of repetition in unusual ways. September 16, 2020 onward, 8 sessions, Wednesdays and Saturdays, 6:30-8:30pm IST [...]

Padmini Chettur: Works and Thoughts

Course Description: In this course, contemporary dancer Padmini Chettur presents her decades-long oeuvre over eight sessions, interrogating the relation between the body, movement, and language. June 16 – July 9, 6:30-8:30pm IST, Online. Organized by BICAR.