Workshop Description:

“The dance explores the relatedness of breath and movement; a journey towards recovery of breath.The choreography is based on the multi-centred space concept of navagraha iconography. The work is an attempt to return to dance – and to our beleaguered lives – its lost breath.”  – Chandralekha

It feels not just urgent but imperative to revisit this specific work at this time. Yet, how does one ‘reconstruct’ or even investigate the corporeal materials of a choreographer who wanted to leave no legacy? In this workshop, for March dance 2023, ex-Chandralekha dancers Padmini Chettur, Meera Krishnamurthi and Krishna Devanandan ask questions and look at principles, in the spirit of Chandralekha herself. A collective looking back without a sense of nostalgia or sentiment. But rather out of a need to take a hard look at who we are as dancers today.

The ten-day workshop gets followed by a public sharing at Mandala in Spaces, where the work was originally conceived and created.

March 13 – March 23, 2023, Chennai.

Organized by Basement 21.