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So far admin has created 36 blog entries.

Occupy als Tanz auf dem west-östlichen Divan

Helmut Ploebst Source : http://derstandard.at/1373513331227/Occupy-als-Tanz-auf-dem-west-oestlichen-Divan 22. Juli 2013 Review : Beautiful Thing 2 Im neuen Wiener Weltmuseum besetzen Kunstschaffende aus vier Erdteilen Räume, die die Öffentlichkeit noch nie gesehen hat. Der ethnologische Tempel in der Wiener Hofburg öffnet Impulstanz im Rahmen der Ausstellung "Getanzte Schöpfung " seine Pforten. Sechs Künstler sind zu interkulturellen Begegnungen eingeladen, und [...]

Occupy als Tanz auf dem west-östlichen Divan2023-07-04T10:41:58+05:30

The Tossed Salad : Padmini Chettur’s ‘Beautiful Thing 2’

Jai Ranjit September 12, 2011 Review : Beautiful Thing 2 “The vessel’s thingness does not lie at all in the material of which it consists, but in the void that it holds.” – Heideggar The space is expansive, open and yet enclosed; getting here sets the stage as the Clark House Initiative warehouse sits in [...]

The Tossed Salad : Padmini Chettur’s ‘Beautiful Thing 2’2023-07-04T10:42:03+05:30

The Blurring of Art and Life

Parvathi Nayar The Hindu July 12, 2011 Review : Beautiful Thing 2 Solo about stillness Beautiful Thing 2 (BT2), the only Indian performance and a Festival commission, was by Chennai-based contemporary dancer/choreographer Padmini Chettur. BT2 is Chettur's 11th creation, and marks her return to the solo. Why Chettur? “Padmini's exploration of the body is very [...]

The Blurring of Art and Life2023-07-04T10:43:32+05:30

Schmerzliche-Entschleunigung (Painful Slow-down)

Helmut Ploebst Source : http://derstandard.at/1246541273801/Salzburger-Sommerszene-Schmerzliche-Entschleunigung July 2, 2009 Review : Beautiful Thing 1 German: "Beautiful Thing 1" der indischen Choreografin Padmini Chettur Salzburg - Tanz behandelt immer wieder das Erleben von Zeit; Choreografie wird als "Organisation von Dingen in der Zeit" (William Forsythe) definiert. Die indische Choreografin Padmini Chettur setzte sich in ihrem beim Salzburger Sommerszene-Festival [...]

Schmerzliche-Entschleunigung (Painful Slow-down)2023-07-04T10:43:37+05:30

You in the Third Row, Wake up!

Poorva Rajaram Source : http://archive.tehelka.com/story_main47.asp?filename=hub271110YOUINTHE.asp November 27, 2010 Review : PUSHED Padmini Chettur is not a dancer for lazy audiences, says Poorva Rajaram. Padmini Chettur, 40, has gone past simply discarding her classical training. Her work now raises eyebrows even on the seemingly permissive contemporary dance circuit. At a recent performance of her production Pushed held [...]

You in the Third Row, Wake up!2023-07-04T10:43:23+05:30

Unerhörte Papierpuppe (Outrageous Paperdoll)

Helmut Ploebst http://derstandard.at/2950047/Unerhoerte-Papierpuppe 4. Juli 2008 Review : Paperdoll Zwei Werke von Padmini Chettur bei der Salzburger Sommerszene (Two works of Padmini Chettur at Salzburg's Sommerscene) German: Salzburg - Wer hierzulande an indischen Tanz denkt, stellt sich üblicherweise nette Folklore zwischen Schlangenbeschwörung und der Bharatanatyam-Koryphäe Alarmél Valli vor. Die erste "moderne" indische Choreografin, Chandralekha, schaffte [...]

Unerhörte Papierpuppe (Outrageous Paperdoll)2023-07-04T10:43:44+05:30


Kate Mattingly SommerSzene: China/India Various Venues, Salzburg, Austria June 21–July 14, 2007 Review : Paperdoll Typically home to the well-known dance makers coming from Belgium (Meg Stuart, Wim Vandekeybus, Alain Platel), SommerSzene opted for something different this year. Artists were selected from cities in India and China and came from different disciplines—dance, theater, music, film, [...]


Gerard Violette and Padmini Chettur See another Path

Paul Ben-Itzak Copyright 2006, 2016 Paul Ben-Itzak Source : https://danceinsiderblog.wordpress.com/tag/padmini-chettur/ September 6, 2016 (Originally published October 27, 2006) Review : Paperdoll Flash Flashback, 9-6: Battling the Dark Spaces In a World of Conflict, Gerard Violette and Padmini Chettur See another Path Well darkness has a hunger that’s insatiable And lightness has a call that’s hard to hear I [...]

Gerard Violette and Padmini Chettur See another Path2017-06-16T20:35:35+05:30

Einmischung in auswärtige Angelegenheiten

Franz Anton Cramer, Constanze Klementz Source : http://sarma.be/docs/934 Tanz als migratorische Praxis Theater der Zeit • 1 Feb 2004 • German Review : 3 Solos Contextual note: This essay was part of an issue with the main topic migration and followed by interviews with Akram Khan and Padmini Chettur. Tänzer leben beweglich. Das gehört zu [...]

Einmischung in auswärtige Angelegenheiten2017-06-16T20:38:10+05:30

(Zelf-)portretten op het podium

Pieter T'Jonck source : http://sarma.be/docs/2507 De Tijd • 3 May 2004 • Dutch Review : 3 Solos (tijd) - Het eerste weekend van het KunstenfestivaldesArts bood een merkwaardig staal van wat theatermakers op dit ogenblik bezighoudt. De resultaten lopen wel hemelsbreed uiteen, maar de vraag 'wie we zijn' komt in vele toonaarden terug. De vraag hoe [...]

(Zelf-)portretten op het podium2017-06-16T20:38:19+05:30